Oil Change System
Petición de Oferta

Oil Change System:

YES is an official distributor of the oil changing equipment from the following manufacturers:

Oli VAC   Chemical Corporation

with wide experience and product variety destined solely for oil changing of wind generators. These products offer us the following advantages and improvements in comparison with the traditional oil changing process:

  • The system allows to reduce the time for the oil changing, hence reducing the required technical stop and improving the generator’s productivity.

  • The system pumps the hot oil thus decreasing the process time.


  • The system works with a closed circuit, with two storage containers, one for the new oil and the other one for the old one, reducing risks and minimizing the environmental impact.

  • It is a safe system for operators as well as for the environment.

  • The system filters the new oil before it is introduced (the filter unit is capable of filtering 1000 liters of product every 24 hours), extending the life of the generator. It also injects the oil at pressure into the generator achieving a better cleaning and effectiveness in the oil changing. In  order to test the process we market the system CM20 system which offers information about its cleaning level.

  • The system allows us to make 4 or 5 oil changes in one day. It hence reduces in 75% the time dedicated to this process.

  • The system is totally versatile and allows it to be towed to any wind park, regardless of the access conditions.

  • The cost of the system is very reduced in comparison with the traditional oil changing system.

  Download the product file

C/ Gran Vía n° 59 7° centro 28013 Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 913 729 287 Fax: +34 913 077 676