Safety and Health
Health & Safety

Safety and well being of the workers of YES are our best guarantee to comply with our objectives of safety, health and well being in the services that we offer. For this purpose we have articulated a comprehensive prevention management system that covers all the phases and processes that we perform.

We have for this purpose a prevention office in charge of articulating the following directives and preventions:

  • Training and continuous information to all of our workers. Counting with the most skilled technicians is a guarantee for the client and of us as well.

  • Provision of individual protection equipment. All of our technicians have the equipment and necessary means in order to perform their work in a safe and optimum way.

  • Investigation and control of accidents. The study and control of incidents and accidents occurred along our broad path allow us to approach to our “0” accidents objective.

  • Organization of the preventive system in wind farm. Our system reaches those places where most risk exists.

  • Follow up and control of fulfillment of safety preventions. YES has a team of technicians that perform a continuous and periodical follow up of the work centers in which it is providing its services in order to guarantee the real fulfillment of the coordination and safety preventions.

We are currently certified with a comprehensive prevention management system by means of OSHAS 18001 certification.

See certifications: PDF

- Prevention policy

- OSHAS 18001 certification

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C/ Gran Vía n° 59 7° centro 28013 Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 913 729 287 Fax: +34 913 077 676